The Mercury Amalgam Candida Connection

Do you have silver mercury amalgams or previously had them?

Do you know how they impact your immune system, gut bacteria and your toxicity load?

Did you know every time you bite down you release small amounts of mercury vapor into your body which circulates up to 3 weeks before it's stored in fatty tissue like the brain?

We've been deceived for many years on the safety of mercury amalgams but in recent years it is becoming more well known how seriously dangerous they are.

It it also becoming more well known that your oral health is a window into the health of the rest of your body, and if you have a mouth full of metal that is creating the perfect environment for opportunistic bacteria to thrive.

Like my other recent posts have talked about, heavy metals damage your healthy terrain and keep your immune system suppressed which leads to overgrowth of harmful bacteria.

Mercury for example, has specifically been linked to persistent yeast infections as yeast has a strong affinity for mercury.

Higher mercury levels post dental amalgam removal also promotes the growth of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

What else loves to feed off of mercury? Is parasites. Yup, you can have parasites lurking in your mouth which then can spread to the rest of the body.

So what to do about it?

You will want to find a SMART certified dentist which stands for Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique. Tihs ensures the dentists uses the safest protocol when removing the mercury filling to reduce the risk of you getting mercury poisoning.

Before, during and after the procedure you should be on a heavy metal supporting detox (sorry the medical mediums smoothie isn't going to cut it).

What you will need is binders, liver support, gut support, infrared sauna is ideal but just sweating in general can be a great way to help excrete heavy metals.

I do always recommend heavy metal testing in order to assess what the load is but heavy metals can be tricky to test for as they like to hide in fatty tissues where we can't measure what your true levels are, therefore, if you've had mercury amalgams it should be addressed regardless if you test or not.


TH2 Dominance & Histamine Intolerance


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