Histamine/Mast Cell Recovery Program

Are you losing your quality of life to horrible symptoms? Do you feel like your body is reacting to everything? Do you find yourself with endless anxiety about what might trigger you next?

Ready to get control of your body and brain? To be able to eat without fear, spend time out with friends, and have enough energy to live the life of your dreams?


What would you do if you finally got your quality of life back? Are you ready to step into the next chapter and put this into remission for good?

If you’ve been trying to handle this on your own and feeling like your spinning your wheels, it’s time to get help. Don’t go through this alone. Histamine intolerance and/or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is multi-factorial and requires an in depth approach to identify all of the triggers in order to get to the root cause.

Do you suffer from:


Multiple food sensitivities

Histamine Intolerance


Runny nose

Hormonal imbalances (PMS, Estrogen dominance)

Edema throughout your body



Pain all over your body


Sensitivity to Hot/Cold

Brain Fog



Difficulty breathing

I personally know how debilitating this is as I have conquered it myself. I know the feeling of hopelessness, trying everything and still getting no results.


The picture above was taken about three hours after I started reacting to a meal. I have had much worse reactions than this, but never once did I ever want to document them. This was the moment I decided I had to take back control of my health. I was tired of the fear. The fear of leaving my apartment, having to eat food I didn’t prepare, fear of having a reaction at any point in time. The fatigue was debilitating. The stomach bloating, constipation, pain and nausea constantly distracted me at work. I was so use to carrying tons of pills with me all the time, most didn’t help. People did not believe me. They thought I was exaggerating or obsessed with trying to be healthy because I “looked” okay.

Well I absolutely was not okay. After completing Functional Lab testing, I discovered I had heavy metal toxicity, mold toxicity, and a large amount of parasites as well as a dysregulated nervous system. My immune system was barely functioning. I was getting frequent sinus infections with horrific pain. Fortunately, after six months of cleansing, I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I started to remember what normal felt like. After another year of working on removing different toxicities from my body, I can say my life looks completely different.

My life looks radical different now then it was then, and I know the same can be true for you too. I don’t have to take supplements, eat a limited diet or restrict myself from anything.

Does your story sound like this too? Do you feel isolated and left out of normal life? Are you constantly missing important life events because you are in agony in your own body? Do you live in fear of what may be in your environment that can trigger you?

That’s why I am here to help you get to the root cause and to heal once and for all. I know what your potential is to heal.

Now you just have to believe it is possible, because it is.


Starting my journey with Heather has given me my life back! After being told I had chronic urticaria and seeing doctor after doctor just to be given antihistamines that didn’t work and was told I would need to start a series of shots, I was determined to find the root cause. Why is this happening, what are my triggers and how do I end this? After my consult with Heather, I felt confident she knew how to help me and I could live a life free of hives and swelling. It wasn’t just about following any protocol this was customized to me and Heather made sure I understood the why and answered all my questions along the way. I highly recommend Heather, she’s incredible.


I have to say... I am SO grateful that you came into my life when you did. I have been able to handle all of the craziness SO much better because I’m healthier. I was getting 18 migraines a month before. The number one trigger would be not getting enough sleep. My husbands stroke happened almost 4 weeks ago and I was getting 3-4 hours of sleep per night.

Not. One. Migraine. Not even a small headache.

It’s like the Lord knew what was coming down the pike and put you in my path so I have been able to deal with it all. A long way of saying... THANK YOU!
— Lane

What’s included in this program?

Programs begin at 4 months, 6 months is recommended

All of the following functional lab tests:

  • DUTCH hormone panel: estrogen dominance tends to go hand in hand in those with histamine intolerance. This assesses all sex hormones and cortisol pattern in addition to other markers.

  • Heavy Metal Testing: unfortunately in our world, no one is safe from heavy metal toxicity. Some heavy metals that can trigger mast cells include aluminum, mercury, lead, copper, nickel, and cadmium. (Optional, but recommended.)

  • GI-MAP: unwanted pathogens and parasites are often one of the root causes of many of your symptoms. Parasites are not only a problem for other countries but are alive and well right here in the U.S.

  • Mold Sensitivity test: mold is a top trigger for MCAS. Just because you can’t see the mold exposure in your home, place of work, school, hospital…etc. does not mean it is not there. Mycotoxins cause extreme damage to the body and especially the brain, as well as they are known to cause cancer.

Your Personalized Protocol will include all of the following:

  • Customized diet plan which may include low Histamine Diet Foods list, Sensitive Gut Guide shopping list and potential others including low oxalate, low salicylates, and lectins.

  • Customized supplementation recommendations to assist with decreasing mast cell symptoms, improving liver detoxification, supporting the lymphatic system, and digestion. Maximum discount offered for all supplements.

  • Sleep recommendations- Sleep is the foundation of any healing protocol and it is essential for proper healing.

  • Recommended exercise plan to facilitate detoxification, improve endurance and reduce fatigue.

  • Additional detoxification education/training with detailed instructions to prevent Herxheimer reactions and to facilitate hormonal, neurotransmitter and digestion balance.

  • EMF Protection recommendations- did you know Mast cells are 10x more active in the presence of Wi-Fi? In addition, when mold is exposed to EMF, it is 600x more active at leasing toxins.

  • Stress management techniques- the constant activation of mast cells are preventing your body from entering the “Parasympathetic State”. When you are constantly in “Fight or Flight”, your body cannot detox because it is in a protective state.

  • Resources to help identify and heal past trauma’s. Prolonged periods of stress and past emotional trauma play a huge role in developing MCAS. What we think and feel directly impacts our biology. Emotional trauma can be stored in the fascia of the body and continue to cause problems even after the initial exposure is removed.

  • Unlimited email support and bimonthly zoom check-ins.


Having suffered with MCAS for two years, I tried several medications, over the counter supplements and was basically told by my doctor that I was going to have to live this way. I am only 35 years old and have two young children, so I could not imagine living this way the rest of my life. Heather truly changed my life. I am finally able to eat without fear, get a full nights sleep and no longer break out in hives anytime I get stressed out. I now understand what was really causing this problem for me and how to keep it at bay. I am so grateful to finally have my quality of life back and be the best mom I can.
— Anonymous
Being a person who cares a lot about my health, I soon found myself spiraling after going through a few stressful events in my life. This triggered MCAS and I found myself unable to get control of my symptoms. Heather’s recommendations from the start helped get my severe itching, hives and IBS down to a more manageable level. Without the lab testing, I never would have known I have severe gut and mold problems. I am so pleased to say that I have not had any flare ups since finishing the protocol and feel like I have finally got my health back!
— Amy
I was so miserable when I started working with Heather, and I was reacting to everything. I would have rashes on my body for days and would not want to leave my house. Everything my doctor was putting me on barely kept my symptoms under control, and I felt I was still getting worse. I was only able to eat about 10 foods and was feeling hopeless. Heather reassured me that this is not my new normal and that we were going to figure out what the cause was. I am so glad I didn’t give up! It’s been 7 months and I have been symptom free for the past 4 months. Thank you so much Heather for giving me quality of life back and teaching me how to continue to stay this way for life!
— Jessica