5 Essentials for Parasite Cleansing

Full moon is on November 8, are you parasite cleansing ?! In order to complete a comprehensive parasite protocol, there are 5 essentials (6th one is a recommended bonus) components to ensure it’s successful and you prevent any type of detox reaction.

Did you know a 2 week or 30 day parasite cleanse is NOT enough and will not address them correctly?

A parasite cleanse should be a minimum of 60 days, but more like a minimum of 90 days. If it’s your first time and you have had chronic illness for a long time, I would aim for 5-6 months and go based on symptoms to know whether you should continue or not.

1. Supporting detox and drainage MUST be step 1. This is the important step in order to prevent any herx reaction, and these organs should be supported throughout. Clearing out the colon and preventing constipation is first, then supporting the liver/gallbladder bile duct, lymphatic support, supporting organs and tissues and lastly supporting the cells with mitochondria support.

2. Castor oil packs over the liver and can also do over the bowels to reduce constipation, break down biofilms, kill parasites in the liver/gallbladder bile duct and lots more. (Link in my bio to grab yours)

3. Lymphatic drainage support with rebounding, dry brushing, exercise and saunas. The lymph is the cleanup crew of the body and needs continuous support. Other favorites are lymphatic supporting herbs like red clover, sarsaparilla, and manjistha.

4. Biofilm disruptors are key in order to ensure your antiparasitics are actually targeting the parasites. These are also helpful in addressing heavy metal load and mycotoxins.

5. Eliminate junk food. Parasites feed off processed foods, alcohol and sugar so eliminate all sources. Add in natural antiparasitics like garlic, ginger, papaya seeds, pumpkin seeds and black walnut.

6. Bonus: Coffee enemas to support liver health, colon health, purge parasites from the liver bile duct and to quickly reduce your overall toxic load.


Holistic Support for Sinus Infections


Parasitic infections Reactivate Dormant Viruses like Herpes Simplex and Epstein-Barr Virus