Holistic Support for Sinus Infections

Do you get a dreaded sinus infection every year? Or even worse, multiple times a year?


I know I used to get them all the time before cleaning up my my health and they are THE WORST. I would honestly rather have the flu. The sinus pressure is so intense and not being able to breathe through your nose is a form of torture. 


Have you seen one of my most popular Instagram post that over 90% of sinus infections are due to fungal or mold overgrowth in the sinuses?


So if you regularly take an antibiotic for them, you're only making the problem worse since they are not a bacterial infection. That antibiotic is only killing the good bacteria that would help keep the fungal bacteria in check, but now the fungus can run wild even more than before. 


Why do you still get some relief with antibiotics then?


The antibiotic is killing so much of your gut bacteria that it is still able to control some of the inflammation in the short term, but we know long term antibiotics can negatively impact gut health up to 2 years or more. 


So instead I wanted to share some holistic sinus support that you can start implementing right away which can also be used preventatively. 


1. Avoid processed foods, and be strict with avoiding all types of sugar (big surprise there). The cause of sinus infections is due to fungal overgrowth (rarely bacterial) so starving the fungus of it's favorite food is essential.  

2. Eat more onions, garlic, shallots, ginger and vitamin C rich foods which help to increase beneficial bacteria while reducing harmful bacteria. Eating raw garlic when you have a sinus infection can provide instant relief - trust me on this one. 

3. Do regular sinus rinses with either saline, Xlear or Triguard are some of my favorites, but any sinus support with herbs will help. 

4. Address the root cause which is almost always mold colonization in the sinuses and systemically from water damaged buildings. Running a urine mycotoxin test is the easiest way to see if mold is a problem for you and you can easily complete it at home. 

5. Quercetin and nettles can help decrease inflammation in the sinuses as a natural antihistamine. 

6. Homeopathy. I'm a huge fan of itires pekana cream, apply to the neck and clavical and work your way up under your chin and then onto your face placing the cream over the sinus cavities. (This is safe for children too!) It helps support sluggish lymph and works amazing on swollen lymph nodes! Other options are arnica for pain relief, gelsemium is anti-inflammatory for the sinuses, Kali Bichrome for pain and post nasal drip, Silicea for chronic sinus infections (there are many more homeo options though!)

7. Steam inhalation with mint essential oils or eucalptyus. 

8. Chiropractor care to ensure your cervical spine is aligned as this is critical for proper drainage

9. Clean up your air quality and get rid of toxins from candles or fragrances and use a high quality air purifier like air doctor, IQ Air, Austin Air, Jaspr or Molekule. Mold can feed off of dust so keep things tidy!

10. Check dental health. This one always surprises people but your ears, nose throat and mouth are all connected so having a lot of harmful bacteria, root canals or the like can absolutely be a big reason for constant sinus infections! Oil pulling with coconut oil and adding a couple drops of theives to help clear out bacteria. I love natural toothpaste like Davids but just check for fluoride free. Avoid alcohol mouthwashes since it's like using an antibiotic and kills beneficial bacteria. 


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