Hormone & Gut Healing Program
Are you tired of trying to fix your hormones and your digestion on your own?
You’re in the right place! At Revive with Heather I help women recover their gut health, balance their hormones & finally get their energy back!
This program is for you if you
Have painful, long, or irregular periods
Struggle with PMS
Have or suspect PCOS
Have or suspect Endometriosis
Are stopping birth control
Have ovarian cysts or fibroids
You experience mood swings, irritability, low energy, or anxiety around your period
Want to support optimal fertility or having difficulty conceiving
Are tired of being told your bloodwork is normal and want real answers to your symptoms
Were told you have IBS or IBD
Struggle with constipation and/or diarrhea
Have frequent bloating, gas or abdominal distention
Have recurrent candida or SIBO that seems resistant to other treatments
What’s included?
Hormone & Gut Healing Program is a 4-month program that includes:
6 total appointment sessions: (1) - hour initial, (1) - 90 minute lab results and recommendations, (4) 45-minute follow-up sessions
DUTCH Complete hormone test (at-home hormone test)
GI-MAP gut health test (at-home stool test)
Unlimited messaging support
Personalized supplement protocol
Recommended meal planning guide
Optional meal photo journaling with feedback
Exercise guidance to be “in the flow” with your cycle
Education on daily detoxification supports
Stress & lifestyle recommendations
Exploring mental and emotional connection to your hormones and digestive system
Relevant handouts & resources
15% discount on professional-grade supplements
Recommendations for safe swaps for personal care products
Want one of my FAVORITE tools for balancing hormones, boosting liver function, supporting your nervous system and facilitating detoxification?!
Castor oil packs are one of the best ways to support your hormonal imbalances and they are SO easy to complete!
For centuries, castor oil packs have been used for:
Body, mind and soul wellness and health optimization
Hormonal imbalances (PCOS, menopause, estrogen dominance, etc.)
Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, indigestion, IBS, colitis, Crohn’s disease
Insomnia and other sleep problems
Stress reduction, anxiety, depression, ADHD
Period regulation, endometriosis, TTC, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts
Thyroid issues (hypothyroid, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, nodules, etc.)
Liver cleansing and detox, fatty liver
Inflammation, arthritis, joint pain