7 Little Known Facts About Mycotoxins
Mold growing in homes, schools, offices, hospitals...fill in the blank- is really at epidemic proportions causing massive health problems which many are not aware of.
Many believe you have to see mold and for it to be black in order for it to be a problem. Unfortunately this is not the case. Many have been living with mold for a long time and have no idea. Plus once you have a mold problem it can be quite an ordeal to get rid of it.
What makes it worse is often there is only 1 family member who is affected which can make everyone believe it can't be something in the environment because not everyone is sick. Often this person has a genetic predisposition, most commonly known as a HLA-DR genetic mutation- but there are a variety of genetic mutations that can result in someone being a poor detoxifier of mold.
Since mold is often still highly underestimated among the masses, I wanted to share 7 little known facts about how mold can affect the body.
1. Mold is estrogenic in the body and contributes to weight gain and/or inability to lose weight.
2. Mycotoxins are harmful to leptin receptors and can block and/or damage them. Leptin is the hormone that tells your brain it's full.
3. Mycotoxins must be processed by removal with bile as it is fat soluble. This causes biliary sludge and can lead to gallstones.
4. Mycotoxins disrupt our thyroids ability to convert inactive T4 to active T3, hello fatigue!
5. Research demonstrates when the gallbladder is exposed to a lot of aflatoxin it is carcinogenic.
6. Mold can cause a variety of neurological problems like vertigo, numbness/tingling, seizures, and even a buzzing sensation throughout the body.
7. An estimated 20% of those with asthma are due to exposure to mold in the home.
For those with histamine intolerance, mold is one of the top triggers because it is just so toxic to every body system, it causes mast cells to keep degranulating in an attempt to get rid of them. This is ineffective and only causes hyperactivity of the immune system which can lead to things like CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome).