Are You Eating Enough Fat?
The low fat craze in previous decades really did a number on the health of the general public which contributes to neurologic dysfunction, hormonal disruption and worsening autoimmune disease.
Do you struggle with these symptoms?
brain fog
dry skin
hair falling out
vision impairments
loss of menstrual cycle
always hungry
always cold
autoimmune disease
frequent colds
If you do, you are likely not getting enough fat in your diet. Fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K are critical for building sex hormones which are made from cholesterol.
Fun fact! Cholesterol is a NUTRIENT. It is not a bad guy.
Myth: Eating cholesterol raises your cholesterol.
Myth: Eating animal fats will clog my arteries.
Myth: Eating saturated fats will cause heart disease.
Truth: Eating pasture raised meats, wild caught fish, pasture eggs, raw dairy (for some) can help to deliver precious fat soluble vitamins which nourish our brains, hormones, gut and nervous system.
They are also important for bone health, maintaining strong bones, supporting fertility and nourishing cell membranes which is a key to preventing aging!
Yes for some with APOE gene mutation, they may want limit their saturated fat intake, which this is something to discuss with your PCP and why specific interventions is critical instead of following the latest diet fads!
What myths have you been told about fat, cholesterol or saturated fats?