Progesterone is a Natural Anti-Histamine

Do you struggle with histamine intolerance symptoms?

Runny nose, nasal congestion
Feeling itchy
Digestive issues
Heavy periods

Did you know excess estrogen levels cause your body to produce histamine? And excess histamine causes your body to release more estrogen? It’s is a vicious cycle for women which helps to explain why histamine symptoms get worse at the times in our cycle when estrogen is the highest.

Progesterone is the hormone that helps to balance out estrogen.

Did you know progesterone inhibits mast cells from releasing histamine?

Yet another amazing benefit from having strong progesterone levels!

How do we maintain adequate progesterone levels?

  • Getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night

  • Eating balanced meals consisting of enough protein, fat, fiber and carbs. Eating too low carb will push your body into producing stress hormones which destroys progesterone production.

  • Exercise but don’t overdo. Any type of stressor which becomes too much will push the body into sympathetic dominance which means your body is producing excess adrenaline and cortisol which blocks progesterone.

  • Get in those vitamins like B, C, E, in addition to micronutrients like selenium, iodine, chromium and magnesium.

    Keep in mind, all these factors are dependent on your gut health and will not improve if you do not improve your gut health!

    Eliminating histamine foods is a great place to start but is only 20% of the journey when trying to heal histamine intolerance, hormonal imbalances and gut dysbiosis.

    SIBO is highly correlated with histamine issues since DAO is made in the gut, as well as the kidneys and thymus.

    Unfortunate reminder, parasites are also highly correlated with histamine intolerance and should be considered, especially in those with leaky gut.


How Full is Your Histamine Bucket?


Are You Eating Enough Fat?