Estrogen Dominance is a Progesterone Deficiency

If you've been struggling with estrogen dominance, keep in mind it is never just one hormone to blame. When one hormone is out of balance, it means all of the other ones are as well.⚖️

With estrogen dominance, often comes progesterone deficiency, they keep each other in balance under healthy circumstances.

Physical signs of progesterone deficiency

🌺A short luteal phase
🌺Low temp during the luteal phase
🌺Fertile mucus in the luteal phase
🌺Premenstrual spotting

Did you know, approximately 50% of women over 35 are estrogen dominant. THAT IS A LOT OF WOMEN! Excess estrogen can result from increased exogenous estrogen exposure, excess fat storage, high stress, dietary factors & poor estrogen metabolism.

Do you have these symptoms? 👇🏼

🌺Irregular menses & heavy bleeding
🌺Weight gain, especially in your hips, thighs & mid-section
🌺Fibrocystic Breasts
🌺Low Libido
🌺Autoimmune disease

So what's the good news? Is you can start to alleviate these symptoms by utilizing progesterone creams or doing things naturally to improve your progesterone levels.

Things to do to naturally improve progesterone levels

1. Improve detoxification i.e. pooping 💩daily!
2. Eat balanced meals of 🍗protein, fat, carb & fiber to regulate blood sugar.
3. Switch out toxic care💄 products that contain estrogen mimicking chemicals


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