The Missing Nutrient in Your Prenatal: Choline

Choline is an essential nutrient that is naturally present in certain foods & available as a supplement. The body can also produce small amounts on its own in the liver, but not enough to meet daily needs. Choline is converted into a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, which helps muscles to contract, activates pain responses, & plays a role in brain functions of memory & thinking.

The choline adequate intake (AI) level is 425 mg choline/day for women of reproductive age with upward adjustments to 450 mg choline/day during pregnancy and 550 mg choline/day during lactation.

In a study by the Journal of Pediatrics, it was demonstrated that

"Higher Maternal Choline Levels in Pregnancy Had Protective Role in Infant Brain Development"

Not only this, but high levels of Choline were protective against viral infections. This prompted the author of the study to do another focusing on C⭕️V❗️D in pregnancy.

They discovered: “Higher choline levels obtained through diet or supplements may protect fetal development & support early behavioral development even if the mother contracts a viral infection in early gestation when the brain is first being formed.”

So how much is enough?

Dr. Freedman & colleagues continue to advocate for higher levels, noting that supplements containing 900 mg of choline “have been safely used during pregnancy from 15 weeks gestation until delivery, with subsequent positive effects on the child’s attention & social behavior through 3.5 years of age.”

In checking some of the top prenatal vitamins, at most you can expect 50mg, & in vegan ones there is often none.

Eggs are without a doubt the best source, one contains 165mg, so two eggs daily is a good start.

One tablespoon of lecithin contains around 115mg choline, making this the best source for vegans. Throw a couple tablespoon in a smoothie & always go for sunflower over soy.

Choline supplementation has never showed toxicity, likely because it is water soluble so the body will excrete what it doesn't need.

Is Choline something you were aware of as a vital nutrient for fertility & pregnancy?

***This is not medical advice.


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