Manjistha, a Powerful Blood Cleanser for Histamine Intolerance

Have you heard of Manjistha?

It is a type of flowering plant from the coffee family Rubiaceae. It grows in a long, cylindrical red bark which gives the powder a deep red color.

This is one of my favorite detox aides as a way to prevent herx reactions, aka detox reactions.

Why do detox reactions happen in the first place?

1. Doing too much too fast.

2. Not opening drainage and detox pathways first.

3. Using too much or too little binders, the wrong type of binders.

4. Not maintaining kidney, liver and colon support throughout.

For most of my client's, we get started on manjistha right away, often in very small doses because it is potent. It is a very powerful blood cleanser and purifier. The blood is where toxins end up when we detox so we want to help clean that up in addition to using binders...etc.

Manjistha is well known for improving a wide variety of issues including

  • powerful blood cleanser

  • eczema

  • liver conditions

  • relieves cough

  • prevents bloating

  • wound healing

  • intestinal worms

  • heals gastric and mouth ulcers

  • decreases PCOS symptoms

You can even apply it directly to skin conditions to bring healing.

For those with histamine intolerance, starting with very small amounts is key, 1/8 tsp in a cup with boiled, filtered water and can split up that cup over the course of the day. You may notice some flushing, hives, or increased histamine symptoms initially as it is pushing it out of the liver and through circulation. Taking appropriate binders with it can be very helpful, in addition to castor oil packs and coffee enemas.

This is not medical advice.


3 Little Known Causes of Histamine Intolerance


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