The Benefits of Coffee Enema

  • Improves Peristalsis

  • Rapidly reduces the body’s toxic load

  • Assists with weight loss

  • Increases bile flow

  • Improves mental clarity

  • Eliminates some parasites and candida

  • Increases glutathione production up to 700%

  • Detoxifies the liver

  • Increases energy
    Enemas first became a practice around c. 1550 BCE which is telling that they have significant benefits & are incredibly valuable to improving your health.

    Coffee enemas were originally part of the Gerson therapy for the treatment of cancer beginning in the 1920s. The purpose is to remove accumulated toxins in the liver and decrease the toxic load of the intestines. When stool sits for too long in the intestines, the toxins are reabsorbed which can cause SIBO/SIFO among many other illnesses.

    When caffeine enters the colon and travels up the large intestine it enters the hemorrhoidal vein and the portal system in the liver. This opens up the bile ducts and allows the liver to release bile which is filled with toxins. Sluggish bile flow contributes to hypothyroidism, slow transit time, poor digestion, SIBO/SIFO...etc. Check out my other post on bile flow and why this is so significant for your health.

    The liver/gallbladder bile duct is also a place where parasites like to live and can be hard to remove, so this protocol can help to push them out especially when taken together with anti-parasitic protocol and castor oil packs.

    Doctors at University of Minnesota showed that this also increases an enzyme system in the liver called Gluthathione S-Transferase by 600-700%. This is our most important detoxifiyng enzyme within the body since it is responsible for neutralizing so many toxins. This is why coffee enemas are so vaulable to preventing high toxic load and also for use during a healing crisis, it can provide immediate relief.

    People who perform these regularly experience glowing skin since the skin is a reflection of liver health, improved peristalis, improved energy, decreased pain, decreased signs of depression and much more.

    Coffee enemas can significantly improve your health within a very short period of time, but for some they are extremely taboo.


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