Toxic Vagus Syndrome & Cavitation's
Have you ever had a root canal, filling or wisdom tooth extracted?
Do you have mystery symptoms indicative of vagus nerve dysfunction (Chronic Fatigue, OCD, Depression, Anxiety, IBS, POTS, MCAS...etc)?
All three of these dental procedures can harbor & pass harmful bacteria, viruses, & parasites to the rest of your body. In addition, these substances can trigger constant stimulation of the vagus nerve putting you in sympathetic dominant state leading to development of multiple disease processes.
Restorative materials like silver, gold & mercury can travel via dental pulp to the vagus nerve. Biotoxins from the jaw bone infections and necrotic tissue trigger the vagus nerve to continually fire.
Inhalants from off gassing impair and infect sinus pathways.
Any tissue innervated by the vagus nerve can be affected, most often the thyroid and heart.
Cavitation’s are typically asymptomatic and do not result in pain but can continue to trigger a sympathetic response.
What is a Cavitation?
A cavitation is a hole in the bone, often where a tooth has been removed & the bone has not filled in properly.
When a tooth is being extracted, the surrounding periodontal membrane is usually left behind. Theoretically, when a tooth has been pulled, the body will eventually fill in the space in the bone where the tooth once was, but when the membrane is left behind, an incomplete healing commonly takes place which leaves a hole or a spongy place
inside the jaw bone.
This is the perfect place for harmful bacteria, parasites and viruses to flourish as it is warm, dark and you are unable to clean it.
The results of recent research show that ALL cavitation tissue samples tested contain toxins, which significantly inhibit one or more of the five basic body enzyme systems necessary in the production of energy.
Some alarming data collected from studying the prevalence of cavitation’s:
The most commonly extracted wisdom teeth, produced cavitation’s that were found in 88% of samples tested.
Cavitation’s were also found in 70% of second molar extraction sites and in 82% of first molar extraction sites.
Over 90% of root canal teeth contained cavitation’s when tested
in both males & females of various ages from several different geographic areas of the U.S.
How can you detect whether you may have a cavitation?
Bob Jones is the inventor of the CAVITAT – an ultrasound instrument designed to detect & image cavitation’s that has been approved for testing for cavitation’s by the FDA after undergoing FDA clinical trials.
Go to to search for a holistic dentist who is certified in the proper detection of cavitation’s.