Xenoestrogens are Wrecking Your Hormones

Xenoestrogens are a big deal. Period. They are chemicals that mimic estrogen in the body.

Unfortunately they play a big role in your estrogen dominance problem and also put you at risk for estrogen dominant cancers.

Did you know BPA is banned in Canada and Europe?

Here in the states the FDA still "considers is safe" despite years of conflicting research.

Even small amounts of BPA can result in big fluctuations in hormones and if that isn't worse enough, it gets stored in your tissues.

This is also a big problem for pregnant women and breast feeding women as it is passed through the placenta and breast milk. This can have harmful effects on the fetus and infant’s neurological development and endocrine systems.

While BPA mimics estrogen, phthalates block testosterone.

Both are chemicals found in several products including such as toys, vinyl flooring and wall covering, detergents, lubricating oils, food packaging, pharmaceuticals, blood bags and tubing, and personal care products, such as nail polish, hair sprays, aftershave lotions, soaps, shampoos and perfumes.

BPA is being replaced with BPS but unfortunately it's equally as harmful. Instead of reaching for plastic products, buy products in glass which you can reuse (environmentally friendly!).

How can you reduce your BPA levels quickly?

1. Stop using toxic personal care products. Use ewg.org/skin deep to check your products or the Think Dirty app.
2. Swap for non-toxic products like branch basics cleaners, essential oils for perfume.
3. Stop consuming foods/drinks out of plastic, styrofoam or the like.
4. Complete a true liver detox (juice fasting does not count!) to boost your natural detox abilities
5. Supplement with gluthiathone to support detoxification


Phytoestrogen Foods to Balance Hormones


Cyclical Migraines & Histamine Connection