Phytoestrogen Foods to Balance Hormones

Do you feel confused about phytoestrogen foods?

It may sound counterintuitive but foods that contain natural estrogen compounds help your body metabolism harmful estrogen that is trapped in the tissues.

This happens because it improves the harmful estrogen (estriol) convert in the less harmful forms (estrone and estradiol).

This improved metabolism also occurs because the phytoestrogen compounds found in foods attach to your cells, blocking the absorption of harmful estrogens.

Sounds like a win-win!

Incorporating these foods into your diet regularly will help to lower toxic estrogen levels which ultimately will help to improve PMS symptoms or menopause symptoms you may be experiencing, as well as reduce your risk for estrogen dominant cancers.

When consuming flaxseeds, make sure to buy organic and whole seed, grind them fresh each time you use them and keep them in the fridge or freezer since they easily oxidize.

If you eat oats, make sure to get organic and ideally steel cut oats to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

When it comes to consuming broccoli sprouts and brassica foods, there is definitely good reason to eat them daily, but to get clinically significant results to reduce estrogen quickly, you'll want to take a high quality supplemental form.

Of course, only utilizing this technique to address your estrogen dominance issue will not work alone and has to be done in conjunction with addressing all root causes.


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