Your Low Carb Diet is Sabotaging your Metabolism

Are you on a low carb diet and were told it would help you lose weight?

Do you keep decreasing your carbs more and more, only to find it isn't moving the scale?

Fun fact: your liver requires glucose to convert inactive T4 to active T3. So if you've starved your body from glucose, your thyroid function is one of the first things to go.

This is because especially for women, this starts to impair thyroid function and can drive sympathetic dominance. Sympathetic dominance is when your body is running on stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline making you feel tired and wired.

Cortisol also tells the body to store body fat, specifically belly fat in response to excess stress.

So if you've been on a low carb diet and not seeing results, this is likely why. In the end, extreme low carb diets can do more harm than good.

Instead for clients I like to recommend carb cycling as an approach for weight loss and hormone balancing.

This is also subject to change at certain points of your cycle. For example, during the Follicular phase, you are more insulin sensitive so your body can handle more carbohydrates.

Realize that diet trends are just that- trendy. When we listen to the innate wisdom of the body and feed it what it needs, our metabolism is supported (thyroid health) which is essential for balancing insulin, estrogen, progesterone...etc.


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