Is Seed Cycling Worth The Hype?

Buzz kill 🐝

Eating nuts and seeds isn't going to fix your hormone problem, and often this can make hormonal problems worse.

❗️But why❗️❓

PUFAS, 🌰polyunsaturated fatty acids actually act like estrogen in the body. Considering many hormone issues like PMS, PCOS, Endometriosis are already estrogen dominant conditions, the last thing you want to do is throw some more estrogen at your body. 🙅🏼‍♀️ This means more work for an already overburdened liver.

These fats also tend to suppress thyroid function which means 🐌slower metabolism aka FAT GAIN & NO energy! Yikes! This happens because PUFAs block the binding of active thyroid hormone (T3) to its cellular receptor which basically means your body cannot use it.

PUFAs also cause blood sugar ⚖️ dysregulation. Consuming PUFAs increases the inflammatory cytokines (ILK-6) in the blood contributing to inflammation and decreased blood sugar control in multiple studies. It specifically damages the cells of your pancreas that produce insulin.

👉🏼Other side effects of consuming excess PUFAs

🌰 Increases skin pigmentation aka age spots
🌰Can impair protein digestion
🌰Decrease your livers ability to detoxify
🌰Increases risk for cancer & progression
🌰Impair immune function

❓What are the worst sources❓

1. Safflower oil
2. Canola oil
3. Grapeseed oil
4. Flax oil
5. Corn oil
6. Soybean oil
7. Walnut oil
8. Cottonseed oil

So what to choose instead?

✔️ Avocado oil
✔️ Olive oil (don't heat it)
✔️ Coconut oil
✔️ Ghee
✔️ Tallow
✔️ Lard

✨Hormonal issues need a holistic & comprehensive approach to address toxicities, support metabolism, improve gut microbiome balance & lots more.


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