Taking Fish Oil? Then You Also Need Vitamin E

Did you know consuming fish oil depletes your levels of vitamin E?

In only one month in clinical trials, all women within the study showed significantly decreased vitamin E levels in addition to significantly high lipid peroxidation levels. What is lipid peroxidation? -is the oxidative degradation of lipids. It is the process in which free radicals "steal" electrons from the lipids in cell membranes which causes selective alterations (damage) in cell signaling, protein, loss of polyunsaturated fatty acids, decreased lipid fluidity, altered membrane permeability, DNA damage, & cytotoxicity. Chronic lipid peroxidation may be a mechanism in carcinogenesis (cancer causing) & in the development of Alzheimer's disease.

To sum up - it is not good! It is aging your cells & causing them to become dysfunctional.

Here are some other side effects of fish oil:

1. May Increase Blood Sugar in people with Diabetes. This is because large doses can stimulate the production of glucose.

2. Increase your risk of Bleeding.

3. Lowers Blood Pressure

4. May cause Diarrhea

5. May cause Acid Reflux

6. May increase your risk of Stroke

7. Risk of Vitamin A & D Toxicity

8. May cause Insomnia

So, if your taking fish oil, I encourage you to look into vitamin E in order to prevent some of those things from happening.

There are two main forms of vitamin E that are typically consumed (although there are 8 different forms!), Tocopherol (most commonly consumed form) and Tocotrienols. Research has shown that Tocotrienols are thought to have more potent antioxidant properties than α-tocopherol.

Tocotrienols possess powerful neuroprotective, anti-cancer & cholesterol lowering properties that are often not exhibited by tocopherols.

Other benefits of Tocotrienols:

  • Increase Life Expectancy in Cancer patients

  • Support Cardiovascular Health

  • Improve Bone Health

  • Reduce Fat in the Liver - Promote Cell Health (protects against lipid peroxidation)

  • Decrease Inflammation

  • Improve Insulin Sensitivity

  • Lower risk of Cognitive Impairment & Alzheimer's disease

  • Reverse Skin Damage

  • Provide Radiation Protection - Inhibits histamine release generated in activated mast cells by increasing calcium uptake & prevents the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids

Another concern when taking fish oil is rancidity and contamination as our ocean waters are very contaminated. Doing your own research to ensure what you are consuming is safe important as most of the supplements are rancid by the time they get to you.


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