MCAS Can Cause Anxiety, Depression & OCD

Mast cells have neurotransmitters they release and they communicate with the nerves. This can cause inflammation in the nerves resulting in Depression, Anxiety and OCD.

Mast cell nerve associations have been found in myocardium, diaphragm, brain, gallbladder, ilieum, mesentry and skin.

Large numbers of tryptase containing mast cells have been described as surrounding the pituitary gland and are thought to act as an immune gate for the HPA Gut/Brain Axis.

Tryptase is an enzyme that is released, along with histamine & other chemicals, from mast cells when they are activated as part of a normal immune response as well as in allergic (hypersensitivity) responses. This is often a marker that is used for diagnosis of MCAS but it is very difficult to attain an accurate test as you must get a blood draw during a flare up. Often this marker will not be elevated on the tests even during a flare so don't consider a negative result as a means that you don't have MCAS.

So how do we restore this HPA Gut/Brain Axis?

🔸Remove triggers
🔸Heal leaky gut (this will heal leaky brain)
🔸Identify & treat hidden viral infections
🔸Remove heavy metals (huge trigger for mental health issues)
🔸Optimize sleep
🔸EMF protection (cell phones are classified as a carcinogen
🔸Support detoxification
🔸Supplementation with safe substances to cross the blood brain barrier with appropriate binders

If you are supplementing with a lot of collagen it can deplete tryptophan over time, so you may need to also supplement tryptophan since it is a precursor for making our neurotransmitters.

Lastly don't forget how valuable Magnesium supplementation is in calming down nerves as well as Gaba for anxiety.


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