SIBO & Histamine Intolerance

Have you been struggling with one or both of these problems & feeling frustrated that no matter what you do it doesn't get better?

SIBO can be a bish to get rid of & there's nothing worse than experiencing a flare up of SIBO compounded with overflowing histamine symptoms.

What's SIBO again?

> Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth that's typically caused by high carb diets, antibiotic use, low HCL due to stress or antacid use, slow gut motility (sympathetic dominance is a big trigger) & over consumption of probiotic foods.

The small intestine is overgrown with too much bacteria which can be good & "bad" leading to gas, bloating, diarrhea / constipation, brain fog, weight loss, skin flares, fatigue, & joint pain.

When you have SIBO, not only is it slowing digestion, which then also impacts our livers ability to remove toxins (& estrogen), during phase I & also decreases thyroid conversion (hello fatigue & weight gain!).

The histamine in your digestive system gets absorbed into your blood & circulates throughout your entire body – including your brain, skin, heart, lungs & liver. (Now insert all those miserable histamine symptoms.)

Histamine levels are higher in those with LPS elevations. LPS (Lipopolysaccharide) aka endotoxin, is a chemical secreted by harmful bacteria. If one with SIBO have LPS-producing bacteria, then they will have high histamine levels which override their DAO enzyme & decrease your guts ability to make DAO (double whammy).

If the problem persists, you will find yourself with severe nutrient deficiencies leading to fatigue & if combined with emotional trauma or other environmental toxins like parasites or heavy metals, it can lead to MCAS.

Ugh, so now what??

🔸Eliminate foods that feeds SIBO
🔸Add bacteria & yeast killing herbs
🔸Replenish good bacteria
🔸Facilitate regular 💩 through coffee enemas, castor oil packs, herbal support
🔸Liver supporting herbs
🔸Digestive support with bitters, enzymes & HCL (skip HCL if you have H pylori)
🔸Abdominal massage & intermittent fasting to support the migrating motor complex (they perform a "sweeping & cleaning" in your intestine during fasting)
🔸Daily parasympathetic activities


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