Staying on Track While Traveling

I'm traveling back home today to see family I haven't seen in almost a year! I'm so excited to be slowing down & looking forward to getting some much needed rest

I wanted to share with you my travel essentials for keeping my immune system strong as well as digestion which can be a problem for many.

Oregano oil is typically only for use as emergency if I'm starting to feel sick but if it's winter time, I'm more likely to talk it a few days before & during my trip to be extra cautious. Oregano oil is nature's antibiotic, antifungal & antiviral so it won't harm your good bacteria.

Charcoal is amazing to have for preventing hangovers, for mystery stomach bugs or food poisoning. If you drink more than typical on vacation, take a charcoal before bed with lots of water & again in the morning to bind toxins.

Probiotics, digestive enzymes, DAO (I actually haven't needed this for a very long time!!) are all for keeping that gut in check since your typically deviating from the usual diet these help to keep things moving smoothly.

Astaxanthin I pretty much take all the time for several reasons but I also make sure to take when I'm flying to protect against the excessive radiation we're exposed to in the air. This is also why I wear EMF shielding clothing because we know this stuff mutates our DNA, can cause cancer and can cause birth defects in pregnant women.

While flying, I do my best to fast all the way through because this is another great way to mitigate the damaging effects of flying, help to balance circadian rhythm if you're changing time zones & help maintain energy levels.

Essential oils like tea tree oil for the occasional breakout and lavender to help with sleep. (Avoid if you have estrogen dominance)

My other two must haves for sleep include magnesium and Gaba for calming muscles & nerves.

Other things I work on leading up to the trip is dialing in my diet by avoiding sugar or processed foods, making sure I'm getting a lot of sleep & getting regular movement to help with maintaining good circulation & lymphatic flow.

Do you like traveling? Any essential must haves in your bag?


SIBO & Histamine Intolerance


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