The Dangers of Fluoride

I know there's a lot of text here, but there's a lot to know with this & my goal is always to leave you more informed so bear with me!

  • Fluoride is an acute toxin with a slightly high rating than lead, equivalent to very toxic on the rating scale.

  • Blood levels during lifelong consumption can harm the hear, bones, brain, & even developing teeth.

  • In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) & China Medical University in Shenyang found fluoride decreases IQ up to 7 points.

    Did you know fluoride is considered a neurotoxin? A neurotoxin is a poison that affects your nervous system. Even small exposures can be harmful & they accumulate over time inside our vulnerable tissues within the pineal gland & thyroid. The pineal gland is the primary endocrine organ that secretes hormones, such as melatonin which controls circadian rhythms.

    In 1944, the federal government instituted fluoridation of municipal water supplies as a public health measure to help prevent tooth decay. In addition to fluoridated water & fluoride-enhanced dental products, fluoride can be found in food, beverages, fluoride-based pharmaceuticals (e.g., Prozac [fluoxetine]), air emissions, & the work place.

    Fluorine, a member of the halogen family in the periodic table of elements, is a very reactive chemical element.

    People with diabetes & kidney disorders could be at special risk.

    High levels are said to cause mottling of the teeth, deformities of the spine, joint problems, muscle wasting, neurological defects, arthritis, osteoporosis, hip fractures, infertility, genetic mutations, Down's syndrome & all forms of cancer.

    Lower levels are said to cause eczema, dermatitis, headache, chronic fatigue, muscular weakness, mouth ulcers, lower urinary tract infections, & the aggravation of existing allergies.

    In addition to associating fluoride with various disease conditions, critics also charge that fluoridation does NOT really reduce tooth decay. Certain studies are cited as proof that children who drank fluoridated water actually had MORE decay than did children residing in areas without fluoridated water

    Studies show fluoride loves to travel to the pineal gland causing calcification as well as the thyroid causing hypothyroidism. This is because it impacts TSH and T3 hormones even in the standard concentration of less than 0.5mg/L.

    So what can you do about it?
    Prevent ingesting from common sources like Teflon pans, some canned foods, teas, tooth cleaning products & use a good quality water filter.

    Other strategies to detox fluoride:
    🔸Alkaline diet
    🔸Increase Selenium (Brazil nuts are a great source)
    🔸 Sweat it out
    🔸 Zeolite supplementation
    🔸Consume tamarind, parsley, cilantro, Curcumin, cayenne
    🔸 Consume calcium & vitamin D


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