The Estrogen-Histamine Connection

The Histamine ↔️ Estrogen Connection.

Histamine is an inflammatory chemical released by mast cells in response to an injury or allergy.

Estrogen is that lovely lady hormone (men have it too) which increases just before ovulation.

When there is increased estrogen in the body, it also triggers the release of histamine.

Histamine also causes the ovaries to increase estrogen production. This happens by increasing the release of luteinizing hormones which is needed for ovulation. LH increases estrogen, & the cycle goes on.

This increased estrogen production also down regulates enzymes like DAO & MAO - the very ones we need to break down histamine.

This helps to explain why women during PMS or the start of their cycle experience increase of histamine intolerance symptoms.

Combine that with dairy, alcohol, cheese & other high histamine foods - sounds like the perfect recipe for a ton of PMS symptoms.

So what can you do?

🔸Eat low Histamine diet
🔸Facilitate liver detoxification to remove excess Estrogen
🔸Take DAO supplement (flip back to previous post on ⬆️ DAO)
🔸Supplement with DIM
🔸Castor oil packs
🔸Support regular BM
🔸Eat cruciferous veggies
🔸Avoid PUFAs which ⬆️ Estrogen
🔸Support bile flow

Estrogen dominance is extremely common these days due to imbalanced meals, increased stress, birth control pills & poor detoxification. As you can see, it becomes a vicious cycle & tends to get worse over time.

If you're struggling with Estrogen dominance (⬇️ sex drive, heavy periods, bloating, weight gain, irritability, bad PMS)


Also struggling with Histamine Intolerance (hives, itching, facial swelling, runny nose, headaches, anxiety)

Sound familiar? Fill out the contact form so I can help you get to the root cause. Symptom management with supplements is not a permanent fix & will only get you so far.


What Causes Estrogen Dominance?


Acne, aka Diabetes of the Skin!