Morning Sickness, Our Body's Innate Wisdom to Protect the Fetus
The real reason you have morning sickness.
How To Beat Morning Sickness
Morning sickness is a bit of a misnomer since it can occur at any point throughout the day. The best way to beat it is to eat early in the day, (maybe even keep some crackers near your nightstand to have prior to getting out of bed).
Vitamin E's Role During Pregnancy
Vitamin E was discovered as a “fertility factor” in 1922. Vitamin E has antioxidant properties that decrease oxidative stress within the body. During pregnancy, increased oxidative stress has been linked to pre-eclampsia & intrauterine growth restriction.
Vitamin A's Role During Pregnancy
An estimated 26% of pregnant women do not get enough vitamin A in their diet. Vitamin A plays a big role in early fetal development , helps decrease the risk for miscarriages & is required for proper immune function
The Importance of Vitamin D During Pregnancy
Vitamin D is not technically a vitamin, it is actually a prohormone produced photochemically in the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol. Prohormones are substances that the body converts to a hormone. In fact, unlike other vitamins, only about 10 percent of the vitamin D the body needs comes from food (such as dairy products & oily fish), the rest the body makes for itself.
What Does a Pre-Conception Detox Involve?
If you are looking to become pregnant, the best thing you can do for yourself & your baby, is to detox for approximately 6 months - 1 year depending on your toxicity level. This is because we accumulate toxins within our fat tissues over the course of our life, & especially with the first baby, these chemicals can cross over into the placenta putting you at risk for miscarriage.
Gut Healing After NSAIDS
NSAIDS - Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories help to manage pain by blocking an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (COX) which the body uses to make prostaglandins (inflammatory messenger). Unfortunately, with any short term quick fix comes some longer term negative side effects. NSAIDS physically damage the gut lining which causes leaky gut leading to more inflammation.
287 Chemicals Found in Umbilical Cords
There has been a huge increase in miscarriages in the United States, the latest figures report some 6.2 million pregnancies for 2010. Of this number, 4 million had a live birth outcome. Fertility rates have plummeted among men & women. Why is this happening?
Do You Have a Gluten Program or a Glyphosate Problem?
Estimated prevalence of non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) varies between 1% & 13% of the population, & as such may be higher than the prevalence of celiac disease.
Toxic Vagus Syndrome & Cavitation's
Have you ever had a root canal, filling or wisdom tooth extracted? Do you have mystery symptoms indicative of vagus nerve dysfunction (Chronic Fatigue, OCD, Depression, Anxiety, IBS, POTS, MCAS...etc)?
The Benefits of Coffee Enema
Enemas first became a practice around c. 1550 BCE which is telling that they have significant benefits & are incredibly valuable to improving your health.
Have You Heard of Gluten Ataxia?
Gluten Ataxia is a rare immune mediated disease in which the body’s immune system attacks the nervous system as a reaction to ingesting gluten. Ataxia is known to cause clumsiness or loss of balance that is not due to muscle weakness. How rare is it really?
The 4 R's for Healing Your Gut!
So you took antibiotics & are now left to figure out how to heal your gut?
Use this cheat sheet to organize your protocol
Little Known Facts About Antibiotics
Antibiotics started saving lives back in 1928 when Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin (technically a mold!)
SIBO & Histamine Intolerance
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth that's typically caused by high carb diets, antibiotic use, low HCL due to stress or antacid use, slow gut motility (sympathetic dominance is a big trigger) & over consumption of probiotic foods.
Staying on Track While Traveling
I'm traveling back home today to see family I haven't seen in almost a year! I'm so excited to be slowing down & looking forward to getting some much needed rest. I wanted to share with you my travel essentials for keeping my immune system strong as well as digestion which can be a problem for many.
The Dangers of Fluoride
Did you know fluoride is considered a neurotoxin? A neurotoxin is a poison that affects your nervous system. Even small exposures can be harmful & they accumulate over time inside our vulnerable tissues within the pineal gland & thyroid.
What Causes Estrogen Dominance?
Why is Estrogen Dominance so common these days?
The answer is pretty simple. Our environment has an exorbitant amount of toxins our liver has to process, our food quality is poor & our stress level is high. This is the perfect recipe for estrogen dominance.