Carbohydrates that are Safe for SIBO
Are you suspecting you have SIBO and unsure of what to eat? Especially when it comes to carbohydrates, it can be really overwhelming to know what foods are considered “safe” and what foods will trigger bloat. Of course this is different from person to person, but following a low FODMAP diet is the number one place to start.
H2 Histamine Blockers Affect on Gut Health
Did you know H2 histamine blockers negatively impact stomach acid which put you at higher risk for developing SIBO or contract parasites?
Connection Between SIBO & Histamine Intolerance
Histamine issues start with the gut. When we're talking about the gut, we're mainly talking about the small intestines, where lots of the magic happens including where we absorb nutrients and where we produce different enzymes like DAO, which plays a big role in histamine based issues.
Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria is not Spontaneous
Have you been diagnosed with hives or "chronic spontaneous urticaria"? Were you told there are no known causes and your only way to manage is with anti-histamines, mast cell stabilizing drugs or steroids? The good news is there is nothing spontaneous in the human body. Every symptom is there for a purpose whether we want to accept it or not.
Histamine Hangover Remedies
I hope you have been enjoying the holidays guilt-free but I also know from experience that can come with a price, especially when dealing with histamine intolerance. Good news is I have some tried and true tricks up my sleeve that can help ease that histamine hangover you may be feeling.
Top Remedies for Constipation
Do you suffer from constipation? How often should you be going? What classifies constipation?
If you're not going at least 1x per day, you're constipated.
If you're relying on laxatives, magnesium citrate or enemas in order to clear your bowels, you're using a band-aid approach to your constipation.
If your BM are like hard rocks that are difficult to pass.
Still Bloated? How's Your Stomach Acid?
When someone is experiencing constant bloating, one of the first things that should be talked about is stomach acid. We first start digesting food in our mouth by chewing properly, and next it is to be hit with strong stomach acid so we can break down our food so we can absorb the nutrients like B12 and zinc.
Do you struggle with acid reflux? If you do, you've likely been told it's because you have too much stomach acid when its much more likely you don't have enough.
What Causes Fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous overgrowths of fiber or muscle tissue in the pelvic area, around or inside the uterus. They can be painful and associated with excessive PMS symptoms., infertility, endometriosis, and hypothyroidism. Women with fibroids are generally estrogen dominant and have low levels of progesterone.
Phytoestrogen Foods to Balance Hormones
Do you feel confused about phytoestrogen foods?
It may sound counterintuitive but foods that contain natural estrogen compounds help your body metabolism harmful estrogen that is trapped in the tissues.
Xenoestrogens are Wrecking Your Hormones
Have you thought about how your makeup and personal care products might be wrecking your hormones? Did you know everything you put on your skin gets absorbed into your bloodstream within 15 minutes and sent to your liver to process? This can clog up our valuable detox organ and contribute to major hormonal imbalances.
Cyclical Migraines & Histamine Connection
Have you thought about how your cyclical migraines might not be random, and may actually be due to fluctuating hormone levels? This is a big unknown cause when it comes to cyclical migraines and should be investigated when trying to determine the best treatment plan.
How Full is Your Histamine Bucket?
Is your body overwhelmed with histamine symptoms? Think of your histamine levels as if you were filling a bucket. This bucket needs to be emptied using root cause methods in order to resolve your histamine symptoms.
Progesterone is a Natural Anti-Histamine
Did you know excess estrogen levels cause your body to produce histamine? And excess histamine causes your body to release more estrogen? It’s is a vicious cycle for women which helps to explain why histamine symptoms get worse at the times in our cycle when estrogen is the highest.
Are You Eating Enough Fat?
The low fat craze in previous decades really did a number on the health of the general public which contributes to neurologic dysfunction, hormonal disruption and worsening autoimmune disease.
My Favorite Things!
One of the first places I start with clients is talking about switching over all their personal care products, getting a high quality water filter, and even cleaning products. Of course this is a slow, gradual process but an important step to take when addressing all aspects of health. So I thought it is time to finally get it all in one place and share with you all of my favorite things I’ve been using, especially with black Friday sales coming up, this is when I stock up and recommend you do too!
Your Low Carb Diet is Sabotaging your Metabolism
Have you been on a keto or low carb diet for a long time? Is your energy and metabolism starting to stall?
What You Weren't Told About Birth Control
Were you informed of the side effects of birth control?
Estrogen Dominance is a Progesterone Deficiency
Your estrogen dominance problem is actually a progesterone deficiency.